Saturday, June 27, 2009

Diving in Carry

Christel took me diving with Plongee Passion Carry-le-Rouet, where she had received her two and three star training. The drill was easy, dress and setup the gear in the harbour, ride the boat for 5 min, jump in the water, and dive. There were quite some people on the boat, so you had to be reasonably well organized. We dove along an underwater ridge, penetrated by a small tunnel. The water was quite warm and reasonably clear. Directly under the boat there was a small moray, and furhter down the dive we saw two octopusses. Some of the walls were covered with gorgonia. I took the 520 with the 9-LED Fisheye light, and got some nice shots.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Freediving with Roger

I arrived in Marseilles a day early, just so Roger could take me freediving, We spent a good two hours in the usual spot near Carry le Rouet. It is a great plane of five to ten meters of crystal clear water. Similar to the Calanques, the ocean floor consists of wahed out rock, full of crevices and holes. We did not see much fish, but had a most excellent time. I used my Olympus E520, without flash. Due to the bright day and clear water, I got some good shots, without loosing my agility due to an external strobe.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bridge and Jo

On Saturday, I guided Markus, one of Horst's Students to the Bridge (die Brücke) in the Edersee. At 27 meters of black water, this made for a chilly dive. We crossed underneath the first arch, and swam around it a couple of times.

On Sunday, I conducted some ascent-exercise with Jo. Afterwards, we looked for pikes and schools of little fish.